"Nice to see District 9 on your list, have you seen city of god yet?"

"I like your choices very much! How about American Psycho (Christian Bale), Oldboy (jin... ), Sympathie for mr venegeance (The deaf person)"

"Cool choices, havent seen or heard of any of those movies except Ben X"

"i agree with many of your choices, inception>good idea but too predictable story and too much hollywood, couldve been much better, also dark night, the joker is great and two face but batman sucks, th"

"I agree, cool comments, altough i only read the first one since i thats the only movie ive seen on that list i guess :D Amelie is amazing!"

"Intresting choices, very good taste! Oldboy is awesome, also lady venegeance, have you seen the 3rd movie of the revenge trilogy, "Sympathy for mr venegeance"?"

"Cool choices! You really have taste in games! How about Dead Space?"

"Nice Idea to ad one artist per day, should work for other lists as well, brilliant!"

"I agree with Giraffe, you should definately watch cowboy bepop, also Hellsing Ultimate is pretty cool"

"Neat list! but i dont think ill be watching lots of those except harry potter, MI, and the ones ive seen so far"