"You even added Shortbus! Never wouldve thought thats on the list"

"Id get F*ing paranoid if there was so many Paparazzi stalking me everywhere i go, kinda feel sorry for some of those persons"

"... This list is excellent!!! Now i see where terrantino also got his inspiration for kill bill. That list mustve took quite some time i guess?! The only negative thing i can say about it is, that my "

"Do you happen to know where i can watch "another day in paradise" from larry clark, online somewhere? i couldnt find it anywhere on the web...."

"Astonishing pictures, id love to visit brazil sometime, hope ill be able to do it, looks fantastic! Great List!"

"Soooo many ive got left to watch , great, the first thing that stood out to me was hands on a hard body, do you happen to know where i can watch this one online? Ive gooogeled the web but couldnt find"

"I want domu from Katushiro but its sold out and its not going to be printed again ... sucks.."

"Love your list, love it love it, how about a favorite movies list?"

"Great!!! Btw. what exactly do you mean by "In Development" because s. for mr. Venegeance, as far as i know, is aleready finished long ago, or is there a second part coming out?"

"Wonderful, many very cool listed characters, Id suggest, if you dont mind: I Stand alone - Philipe Nahon (The Butcher) Oldboy - Ji tae yu (Woo jin lee) Ichi the Killer - Kakhiara Ichi the Killer - Ich"

"I was about to suggest Oldboy but thats aleready been done, couldnt agree more with redmist! The other picks are also very great! Thanks for sharing"

"Decent houses :D id suggest, (spongebob) Patricks House (rock), (oldboy) the rich guys appartment and puh idk.. (Casper) The house they moved into"

"Love the Ironie, couldnt agree about the comments, luckily im allergic to bullshit so i just watched one of those movies yet, and prbly will not ever"

"Movies from childhood are awesome, though they kinda tend to make me sad in a fun way i guess, hope that makes sense"